Legacy offers semen analysis and sperm freezing plans, from the comfort of home. Incubated at Y Combinator, the Series B startup is one of the leading male fertility clinics in the US, and one of “Forbes Top 50 Startup Employers” in 2023.
If we change our visual positioning, prospects will connect more to our core values and move up the funnel 3x more.
The visual identity didn't help the tone to land.
What wasn't working with the previous brand identity?
Desserving positioning
Branding was aesthetically beautiful but positioned as retro, hipster, etc. Users were perceiving our services as a luxury, associating our brand and kit with brands like Rolex.
Tone? Mono.
It was impossible to change our tone with the constraints of the brand. We’ve seen a need for different tone emerging, and the identity started to deviate to answer this need, and it always fell off.
Trying to feel scientific always landed off.
Whatever we did, it always felt like old-fashioned and luxurious.
Our visual identity didn't help convey the humorous tones of some of our campaign, leading to missing awareness opportunities from such an eye-catching topic.
Disconnected from new brand pillars
We wanted to infuse technology to address concerns about shipping sperm through the post.
"How can I ensure that my specimen is intact and that it will arrive on time?"
"Will my sample be damaged with the shipping?"
"What are the success rates?"
"How it's gonna be stored? How it's gonna remain intact?"
"It seems to good to be true; sperm is only half of the equation."
"I would need to see feedback from real users."
"Will I get a legitimate contract so the company doesnt do things that I did not consent to?"
"Seems trustworthy, but I would make more research on internet and see if people had good experience with them in the past."
"I don't know a lot of things about security of cryobank, measures taken, etc."
"I would make additionnal research to be sure that that’s a proven and tested."
"I hope this company doesn’t give my sperm to someone else."
"I'm not sure I want to send my genetic material through the mail."
"This is not something I would like all my neighbourhood to know about."
The need for a big shift.
Based on user input, we dediced to:
User input was clear. We needed to convey technology and security, and feel legitimate and reliable. we dediced to:
Make our brand pillars tangible.
To convey the feeling of security and reliability, we got inspired by data-viz design, NASA, scientific illustrations, and 1960s Swiss Style.
Change our main typeface.
Our new typeface suits a wider range of tones to experiment with messaging in awareness stage (humorous, inspiring, scientific, etc.)
Extend our color palette.
Shifting our Gold for more peachy colors and adding a vivid green will enable us to express a better range of emotions, and help different types of messaging have more impact.
Shifting Legacy's identity under the radar, while the car is moving.
Doing internally while continuing. How to stay adaptative, and help us moving fast through indecisions and experimentations
Keep the system minimal, and easy to experiment with.
Final output
Foundations for a flexible, legible, and timeless identity.
Growth 10x.
Ability to launch various campaigns and test different tones (humourus, scientific, family-driven) to see which is resonating more with which persona.
Reduced landing pages launch time by 3.
Instagram growth from 1k to 10k.
Positive reactions in user tests, proving we are creating trust on our core values.
Myriam Pilon-Domenack
Mathieu Preston
Janel Musco